
Wednesday 25 April 2012

SSX 2012 (Review)

SSX, one of the most beloved arcade-style sports series of all time, is finally back. And boy, oh boy, is it welcome. Whilst there was 2007's SSX Blur on the Wii, this title is not only the first time an instalment has appeared on multiple consoles 2005'S SSX On Tour, but also marks the HD debut of the over-the-top series. As you'd expect, the return of a classic series comes with a heck of a lot of expectation. Does this new title bring back the thrills of the old titles, or have EA Canada driven a once golden series into thin ice?

From the opening tutorial, it's evident that they've done something right. This scene, which sees you being thrown from a helicopter and left dropping through the air, teaches you the trick system (whilst you're still making your decent through the clouds) which acts as the core gameplay feature. EA Canada have created a brand new control scheme for this instalment which sees you controlling your character with the two analogue sticks. The left stick is responsible for the direction of your board, whilst the right stick allows you to jump, grab and trick whilst in the air. A further use of the back triggers allows you to grind and alter your tricks. This new system, whilst confusing at first, works fantastically, and fits the modernisation of a slightly dated series to a tee. Fans of old rejoice, however, for the classic button driven system of previous titles does return as an option  should you wish to bring back the nostalgia and for players who have a desire for more of a challenge.

Line your rider up right and you can even swing off the helicopter's rails.
Awesome, I know.
SSX does have a minor plot which acts as the basis of the game's main mode, World Tour. In this mode, players assume the role of the various members of Team SSX, a super-team of expert snowboarders, bikers and surfers who vow to take on a vast array of drops and mountain ranges all around the world, and more importantly, the nine deadly descents of the globe from nine seperate regions. Before the various members set off on their tour, however, one snowboarder, Griff, leaves the team in pursuit of conquering every descent himself before SSX can. In turn, this launches a race between the two to beat all nince descents before the other does. You as the player assume the role of each member, assigned with their own region and descent. Every region has numerous mountain ranges and various differences slopes. There are three types of event which the slopes revolved around: Race, Trick and Survive. As you'd expect, in Race you are tasked with beating three other boarders' to the finish line, in Trick you have the challenge of beating opposing boarders' scores by tricking your way down the range and in survive you must make it to the bottom of the mountain alive- something which is saved mostly for the Deadly Descents.

Each event type works well and mean that things aren't too similar throughout the game. Also aiding the variation is that every region (and Descent, specifically), has a particular quirk which makes it deadly, and in turn, a piece of equipment which can be used to help you combat it. For example, on one Descent, you are surrounded by darkness, and so a headlamp allows you to see a little further than you would without. On another, the drastic change in temperature between sunlight and darkness is drastic, and so avoiding any shady areas on ranges is vital. My favourite however, and certainly a general highlight of the title, is when a specific region's Deadly twist is that the range itself is broken up by huge drops which, if fallen into, will result in death. To combat this danger, you are kitted out with a wingsuit. As you'd expect, jumping and holding a single button deploys the wings, which are web-like contraptions between the torso and arms of your boarder. Gliding through the air is an absolute joy, helping you to survive and reach higher areas.

The wingsuit really is rather cool.
There's a whole other bunch of features. The multiplayer experience was clearly a focus point for the devs, and is incorporated in a variety of ways. The Explore mode challenges players to beat their friends scores, whilst Global Events provides a slick online experience designed to eliminate lengthy waiting times in lobbies. In order to do this, EA Canada optimised a system which allows them to host non-step events which means that wherever you are, you can always jump into events and join in the action. Winning and placing high in events also gains you in-game currency which can be used in the single player modes to purchase mods- single use perks which alter abilities like speed and trick- equipment, and Geotags. What are Geotags, you ask? A neat little addition which is in actual fact a little coloured globe which can be placed anywhere on any slope in the Explore mode, by rewinding gameplay (a feature which can be used to correct any errors made during gameplay, but only a certain amount of times during Deadly Descents) and dropping it where desired. The thing is though, not only do you receive more of the in-game currency for placing it, you also get an increasing amount the longer the Geotag stays on the slope. What this challenges players to do is place their Tags in the highest, hardest to reach location they can, and for others to try and reach them. It really is an awesome idea, and one that feels right at home in SSX.

Trick enough and you'll activate TRICKY, which enhances
all of your tricks and makes you glow with
trails of orange. Groovy.
There are a couple of minor niggles. For more casual gamers, the difficulty curve is quite high at some points. That said, practise does certainly make perfect in this case. The other flaw is that in comparison to past SSX titles, this reboot is nowhere near the drastic heights of which some gamers will remember it. Whilst the trick system is perfect in terms of pulling off moves which defy physics and human skill, it does feel like EA Canada have coated the game with more of a gritty realism, in terms of graphics and styling. Customisation of your own rider is limited to the equipment they use, and even then there is no proper in-game "store". What happened to bunny ears? Flapping wings? For fans of the old games, some will often wonder where the colourful insanity of old has vanished too.

Despite that though, SSX is still a quality title. Top off rewarding gameplay with a fantastic soundtrack- including Run DMC's classic "It's Tricky", classic boarders and plenty of content to chew through, players will find a refreshing take on the sports genre which is definitely worth checking out.
